The best product on the market!
A combination of Mineral, Vitamins, Probiotics, Yeast, Digestive enzymes and mycotoxin Scavenger ideal for increasing milk production and reducing mastitis rates.
Play to hear all the benefits of the best product on the market: Max Leite! (Audio in Portuguese)
Dê um play para ouvir todos os benefícios do melhor produto do mercado: Max Leite!
A complete vitamin supplement, which can be used for lactating cows and also for pre-calving. It is recommended that pre-calf cows receive the supplement so that they can breed without lowering immunity.
The combination of all nutrients is perfect for increasing the animal’s immunity.
Indication for use: Mix daily in roughage or feed.
Recommended daily doses: 20 to 40 grams animal day. Start dosing 21 days before the expected delivery date.
Benefits and main functions of Max Leite
4 a 8 semanas para o aumento em até 10% do período de lactação
Controla o CCS (Contagem de Célula Somática)
Fortalecimentos dos cascos
Estudos comprovam redução de CCS em até 57%
Maior digestibilidade e maior absorção de nutrientes
Pode ser adicionado em qualquer suplemento mineral do mercado
Aumento de produção de leite em até 15%
Ajuda regular cio (prevenindo cios falsos)
Aumenta o nível reprodutivo
É um Simbiótico (Prebióticos + Probióticos)
Protetor hepático, aumenta a resistência a infecções
4 to 8 weeks for an increase of up to 10% in the lactation period
Controls somatic cell count (CCS)
Increases the reproductive level
Studies show reduction of CCS by up to 57%
Greater digestibility and greater absorption of nutrients
Can be added to any mineral supplement on the market
Increased milk production by up to 15%
Hoof strengthening
Liver protector, increases resistance to infections
Regular estrus help (preventing false lashes)
Is a Symbiotic (Prebiotics + Probiotics)
The product does not dispense with the use of traditional mineral supplement, as it does not have in its composition all sources of macro and micro minerals. This product does not dispense with the use of mineral salt.
Street Marechal Deodoro - 1000 Living room B - Center - Concórdia SC
+55 49 3442 4111 +55 49 9 9166 9368
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